Federal Reserve officials continue to give signals that they will be moving to rate cuts soon, possibly in September. The market is now at a turning point and fixed income investors may be wondering what are the best options to pursue? Is cash still king and being liquid the best move for...
Aug 26, 2024
Last week, Barclays announced the call of its 7.75% Perpetual Additional Tier 1 (AT1) Capital Note with a September 15, 2023 call date. This means that noteholders will get back their principal (i.e. face value) and the interest earned between June 2023 and September 2023. Today, we’ll...
Aug 07, 2023
Bonds and Real Estate are two unique investment options allowing you to diversify your portfolio while proving to be a relatively safer investment than stocks, cryptocurrency, and some other assets. Both bonds and real estate are steady investment options with relatively low volatility...
May 22, 2023
One of the most confusing components of “bond math” is the pricing. Like most assets – the price is a major determinant of your total return. Today we look at the pricing of fixed income instruments and how your total return is calculated. We present several concepts that are simplified...
May 15, 2023
For new investors the process of buying bonds can be complex, as it involves various terminologies and buying scenarios. Today, we will discuss buying bonds at a premium versus a discount. Let’s start at the beginning, when a bond is issued, it is available for purchase at its face value...
Apr 10, 2023
By far the most frequently asked question we get about bonds is: what is the difference between the yield on the bond and the interest rate on the bond? Today we TRY to demystify this source of universal confusion. The article contains examples for illustration purposes only and statements...
Dec 05, 2022
Many bonds are issued today with a call feature which means they can be redeemed or repaid by the issuer prior to their scheduled maturity date. However, the early redemption of a bond is not automatic and highly depends upon the unfolding of events at the issuer level, specifically, and...
Nov 14, 2022
Daily I get calls from prospective clients looking for more information on global or international bonds that are recommended or suggested to them. Whether the yields are high or seem low, we patiently explain the details on the bonds and how the process works. If the client is a savvy...
Oct 31, 2022
Our discussions on bonds continue; after learning the bond basics, today we examine how bonds behave in an environment of high-interest rates, a relevant topic given the current interest rate environment. Before moving on to how bonds behave in a high-interest rate environment, we should...
Oct 24, 2022
Bonds can create a balancing force within an investment portfolio. If you have the majority of your portfolio invested in stocks, adding bonds can diversify your assets and lower your overall risk. So, how do you go about adding bonds to your portfolio and more importantly, why should you...
Jul 25, 2022