Early Career
Investment Intentions:
- High growth portfolios
- Young, Eager
- Long term investment horizon
- Higher risk appetite
Potential Products:
- Mutual Funds – there are different kinds of mutual funds that can fit many Investment Intentions
- Stocks (would like back to product page)
Mid Career
Investment Intentions:
- Retirement Preparation: Start looking towards retirement
- Accelerating savings
- Asset Acquisition: First house or car
- Medium risk appetite
Potential Products:
- Mutual Funds
- Global USD Bonds
- Sterling Investment Limited (Managed portfolio)
- Short term investments
Peak Career
Investment Intentions:
- Secure retirement goals
- Accelerate wealth accumulation
- Optimize existing savings
- Reduce risk profile
Potential Products:
Post Career
Investment Intentions:
- Flexibility - - ie be able to access funds when they need it
- Peace of Mind
- Security
- Planning for the next generation
- Preservation of capital
Potential Products:
Investment Intentions:
- High growth portfolios
- Young, Eager
- Long term investment horizon
- Higher risk appetite
Potential Products:
- Mutual Funds – there are different kinds of mutual funds that can fit many Investment Intentions
- Sterling Investments Limited (SIL)
Investment Intentions:
- Retirement Preparation: Start looking towards retirement
- Accelerating savings
- Asset Acquisition: First house or car
- Medium risk appetite
Potential Products:
Investment Intentions:
- Secure retirement goals
- Accelerate wealth accumulation
- Optimize existing savings
- Reduce risk profile
Potential Products:
Investment Intentions:
- Flexibility - - ie be able to access funds when they need it
- Peace of Mind
- Security
- Planning for the next generation
- Preservation of capital